#30DaysOfCharity – 59) The Bible Network
Thanks to continuous support, a rehabilitation centre in Colombia is using Project Philip Bible studies to share the hope of the Gospel with men trapped in addiction. We are thrilled to be a part of it and we do our best to support them.
They desire to see thriving local churches around the world offering salvation, life change, and hope through biblically-based training and resources that meet the spiritual, moral and social needs of their communities.
The heart of their global strategy is Project Philip, a Bible study program that trains local church members in evangelism and discipleship. It’s inspired by the story of Philip and the Ethiopian in Acts chapter 8. Project Philip trains leaders who invite others to study the Gospel of John. As part of Project Philip, each participant receives a Bible for personal use and is encouraged to become part of a local church.
If you’d like to find out more about this charity visit the website or for support call 020 7793 4594.