Aerial Services Scotland Limited regards Health and Safety as a matter of foremost importance and an essential part of its responsibilities. It regards the promotion of Health and Safety as a mutual objective of both the management and the employees. It is therefore the Company’s policy to do all that is reasonably practicable to prevent personal injury and damage to property and to protect everyone from any foreseeable risks, including the general public.
The Company will:
The Managing Director is appointed as director responsible for Health and Safety; he puts in place arrangements for the effective implementation of the policy.
The Health and Safety Manager has the responsibility to ensure that the system is implemented and reports to the Director and keeps him advised through regular reports of the status and adequacy of the systems in place. Reports are based on regular inspections and audits of all work locations.
A copy of this policy is issued to all employees and is also displayed on the notice boards at every location.
The Policy is reviewed annually and updated as often as necessary.
James Mullen
It is the statutory duty of all employees to comply with sections 7 and 8 of the Health and Safety at Work Act:
All employees must also comply with the responsibilities of their Health and Safety Policy and co-operate with the Company in its efforts to prevent accidents and ill health.
In particular you must:
The following rules have been implemented to ensure the safety of you and your work colleagues. Therefore these rules must be obeyed at all times.
You Must
You must NEVER
These are basic rules and failure to adhere to them may result in disciplinary procedures.
If an accident occurs prompt action may well result in the saving of a life, or at least reduce the suffering of one of you colleagues.
All injuries must be reported to the supervisor immediately and recorded in the Accident Book.
High standards of Personal Hygiene are extremely important and could prevent illnesses and the spread of industrial diseases.
You MUST ensure that you:
The most common cause of accidents when working in excavations in the collapse of the sides. In the most shallow of trenches, i.e. less than 1.2. metres the sides of the trench must either be supported or battered.
Before entering an excavation you MUST ensure it is safe to do so.
For work in contaminated grounds, special precautions will be required and you will be made aware of these before commencement of the work.
Underground works can be especially dangerous particularly because of electrical and gas pipes. Always assume that these are LIVE and seek the appropriate clarification before commencing the work.
Before commencing work drawings will be provided where possible. The area supervisor will have checked the calibration of the cable locator and surveyed the area using cable location equipment and marked the position of the services on the ground using the following colour code.
Electricity – RED
Water – BLUE
Telecommunications – WHITE
When you commence the work wherever possible hand dig near buried services. Check that any cable embedded in concrete that has to be broken has been made dead before you start or that another safe way of working has been agreed by the owner of the cable. Watch out for signs of services as the work progresses and repeat checks with the cable director, back fill around the services with fine materials not with flints, bricks, mass concrete or similar materials.
You must report any damage to cables, pipes or pipe coatings even if there is no immediate danger, damage could cause danger at a later date. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO REPAIR THE DAMAGE YOURSELF.
You must not use hand held power tools within a 500mm radius of any marked electricity cables, nor must you use these directly over the marked line of the cables unless:
Falls from heights are one of the most common causes of accidents on all construction sites and telecommunication installation locations. Working at heights is safe provided you use the correct means of access and take all the necessary precautions to ensure the prevention of a fall.
You must NEVER:
Scaffolding is commonly used as a means of carrying out work at height.
Scaffolding must be stable, secure and on a firm base. Guard Rails must also be applied at a safe height and there must also be safe access to all levels.
You MUST ensure that:
Mobile Scaffold Towers are useful when working at heights especially when you are required to move a lot.
You MUST always ensure that:
Before using ladders you must ensure that they are fit for use and that they are not damaged in any way.
Ladders must always be positioned on a firm level and should not placed on any loose materials, they must only be levelled using the appropriate equipment, which must be properly fixed. Where possible the ladder should be secured to the building, where securing at the top of the ladder is impractical the ladder must be prevented from slipping outwards or sideways by using the correct equipment.
Footing a ladder should not be considered for ladders no more that 5 metres high and carried out using the correct procedure.
Any tools that need to be carried up the ladder should be done so securely by either attaching them to a holster, belt or in a tool bag. This is to ensure that both hands are free to climb the ladder.
Ladders and footwear must be free from mud and debris to avoid the possibility of slips.
When metal ladders are being used consideration must be given to any overhead electrical cables, if the cables are too close to the work area work must be stopped and the area reassessed by your supervisor.
Ladders carried on vehicles must be done so securely using the correct equipment.
Lofts must not be entered into unless they are classed as a room. This means that there must be adequate lighting to see the full length of the room, and adequate flooring which covers the complete area which you will be walking on. Also, there must be a fixed stepladder which reaches from the very bottom to the top. The fixed stepladders must be checked for any defects before use. They must also be placed on a secure surface and must be spread to their full extent. Stepladders must only be used at right angles to the wall. The top step of a stepladder must never be used for foot support unless there is an extension at the top to provide an adequate handrail.
When carrying our roof work you must ensure that:
All portable tools must be properly maintained and in good working condition. You must also be fully trained in their use.
When using abrasive wheels you must ensure that:
When working with cartridge operated tools you must ensure that:
When working with these you must ensure:
When working with hand tools you must:
Electricity is potentially lethal and must be treated with caution at all times. There is no safe voltage and there will be no warning of any dangers. Therefore all electrical work should be considered hazardous.
When using electrical tools you must ensure that:
You must always:
You should be made aware of all underground cables before commencing any work. Your Supervisor will let you know this. You can only excavate near buried cables or services only when specific Health and Safety systems are in place.
Plant and Machinery should only be operated by persons trained to do so; this means a CTA or its equivalent.
You must always:
Aerial Services Scotland Limited will only provide lifting equipment that has been tested, examined and inspected. The following guidelines must be adhered to this will ensure safe working practice.
When using transport provided by Aerial Services Scotland Limited you must ensure that:
Road works can be hazardous, for your protection you must:
Do not:
Hazards arise from welding and cutting operations that can seriously damage your health or the health of others.
When carrying our any hot work activities you should ensure that:
You may only enter a confined space when the following conditions have been met:
LPG is heavier that air and leaking gas can flow into low areas such as manholes or confined spaces and will still be capable of causing an explosion. The unsafe storage or use of LPG may easily lead to fire.
If you are involved in the use of LPG or in the storage of LPG, you must:
Occupational Health Hazards are different from Safety Hazards, in that their effects may be obvious in the short term. Health Hazards can arise from many sources and may be classified in general terms.
Chemical – Dusts, Fumes, Gases, Mists, Vapours etc.
Biological – Bacterial, Fungal, Viral etc.
Ergonomic – Strains etc.
Physical – Radiation, Vibration, Temperature, Noise etc.
Listed below are some of the most common hazards.
Manual Handling
You should always try to avoid manual handling and if possible use mechanical aids. Should you have to lift an object manually you should,
Excessive noise from plant or equipment can cause progressive and irreversible loss of hearing (Tinnitus)
If you work in areas where you have to shout to be heard then you require Ear Protection. This can be either plugs or muffs. Adhering to the following rules will also give good protection.
Vibration White Finger can affect those who use vibrating equipment regularly.
You can reduce the risk by:
Hazardous Substances
Chemicals, dust and fumes can enter your body in many ways such as absorption, inhalation and ingestion. The effects may be immediate or may appear after several years. The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) regulations are in place to ensure the protection of workers who may come into contact with any such substances. All materials and substances that you may come into contact with must be properly risk assessed.
You must also ensure that:
Leptospirosis (Weils Disease)
Leptospirosis or also known as Weils disease is usually contracted when working near rivers, canals, sewage works, culverts, agricultural environments or in old rat infested premises. Rats are the main carriers although cows are also known to be carriers. Weils disease is carried in urine and if the proper precautions are followed the risk of contracting the disease is minimal. You should ensure that you always wash your hands before eating or smoking.
Symptoms of the disease are flu like tonsillitis or rheumatic fever; headaches are intense and have been described by some as excessive migraines. There is no cure for this disease and in some cases this can kill, milder doses can be treated in hospital but are extremely unpleasant.
The majority of fires can be prevented by following these simple precautions:
Aerial Services Scotland Limited will provide all the necessary PPE for the tasks in hand. There are many types of PPE and these must be used in accordance with the information, instruction and training given.
Ensure that you take proper care of the PPE provided and report any loss or damage to your Supervisor.
Alcohol and Drugs are known to depress the functions of the brain and when working at heights or with machinery you have to be alert.
Aerial Services Scotland Limited has made it one of their conditions of employment that anyone suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs will not be permitted to work and will be disciplined accordingly (immediate dismissal).